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Hang the prayer where your

teammates can see it.

After you purchase or print your TPA poster or wall decal, hang it in your locker. You will be able to read it before every game or practice, and your teammates will be able to view it as well.

See the prayer everyday.

Set the free download of the poster as your screensaver on your phone, tablet, or computer screen. Constantly viewing the prayer will improve your memorization, and it will allow the prayer to sink into your mind, making it become apart of who you are. You will receive the free download after you sign up for TPA updates.

Lacrosse Huddle

Pray for your Teammates.

When someone knows that you are praying for them, it impacts them greatly. Ask your teammates if you can pray for them before, after or during a game. Is there anything specific that is happening in your teammate's life you can pray for? Keeping up to date with events in your teammates' lives and asking about them will build a special bond between you both.

Study Group on the Grass

Build Community

At your school, church, or organization, simply meet with your community 20 minutes a week to discuss what you've read in the Word or the TPA Quote Books. Catch up with each other and talk about life, but most importantly, pray for each other. Challenge each other, and come up with your own quotes to inspire and motivate each other. 


Wear your TPA Gear.

Wear your TPA gear to practice. If your teammates ask you about being a Praying Athlete, tell them about how to become one and how it has affected you. Constantly being in prayer about your performance in a game will keep you focused and put you in a mindset to perform to the best of your ability. Use your gear as a conversation starter!

American Football

Pray before a Game.

Get your head in the right mindset by praying The Praying Athlete Prayer before your next game or practice. As you are about to walk onto the playing field, pray the prayer in your head. Focus on the words and personalize it for the specific game or practice. 

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