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Family At Church

Weekly Family Talks

Simply meet with your family 20 minutes a week to discuss what you've read in the Word or the TPA Quote Books. Catch up with each other and talk about life, but most importantly, pray for each other.

See the prayer everyday.

Set the free download of the poster as your screensaver on your phone, tablet, or computer screen. Constantly viewing the prayer will improve your memorization, and it will allow the prayer to sink into your mind, making it become apart of who you are.

Hang the prayer where

you will see it.

Hang the prayer on your refrigerator, in your cubicle at work, or in your car. Read it everyday and pray for your family members.
Family Time

Bedtime Prayer.

Read The Praying Athlete Prayer together as a family before bedtime. Make it a habit to come together before bed and have your children practice praying.

Make it personal and 

full of meaning.

Pray the prayer and replace the personal pronouns with your
family member's name. For example:
"Dear God, I'm not sure how ____________ got to where he/she is, but I know it had to be in your plan. I am thankful for the talents
You have chosen to give him/her..."
Kids Doing Homework

Leave notes of Encouragement.

Write little notes of encouragement or prayer and place them in a place where your loved one will see it at some point in their day. We recommend placing them in a lunchbox, backpack or briefcase.
Girl Praying

Daily prayers of Gratitude.

Before you enjoy a meal together as a family, have everyone at the table pray a little prayer of gratitude for something that happened that day for which they are thankful.
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